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... utilaje de constructii si terasiere
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Obiectul principal de lucru al firmei consta in mentenanta utilajelor de ridicat din
industrie , acestea fiind de o varietate si complexitate uimitoare . Ele incorporeaza
tehnologii de varf si solutii tehnice dedicate , greu de gestionat fara o pregatire tehnica
minutioasa si permanenta .
Ne ocupam de acest domeniu de mai bine de 15 ani si avem un portofoliu de peste 200
de utilaje reparate sau modernizate .
Suntem autorizati de ISCIR iar personalul nostru are o vasta experienta in domeniu ,
putand executa lucrari complexe si complete , plecand de la simple reparatii pana la
reparatii capitale .
Opel / Vauxhall GlobalTIS v32B Multi
Opel / Vauxhall GlobalTIS v32B Multi | 7,64 Gb
TIS2Web is a Technical Information System which is provided via Internet Explorer and provides assistance to both privately owned workshops and fleet customers on the technically correct repair and maintenance of Opel vehicles.
You have direct access to the extensive information provided by Opel, direct and at first hand. The sections below give you an initial overview, a few extracts of the types of service information available and a table of the vehicles which are described in the TIS2Web System. Hardware Requirements
We keep a wide range of data available in TIS2Web in the form of texts and graphics. To ensure that these data are transferred to you at the best possible speed, TIS2Web is hosted in a particularly high performance central server environment. However, the actual transmission rate is equally dependent on the local system environment such as e.g. the Internet connection and the Internet Service Provider.
To ensure that TIS2Web provides the best possible service and meets your expectations, we recommend the following system requirements for your PC and Internet access.
Hardware: * Processor: Intel Pentium 1.5 GHz * System Memory (RAM): 512 MB for document view application; 1GB for diagnostic and re-programming * Hard Disk: 40GB Hard Disk * Interfaces: USB 2.0 , Serial, VGAMonitor: 17 inch monitor * Internet access: DSL High Speed
Software: * Microsoft Windows operating system, from Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP (SP2) * Microsoft Internet Explorer from version 5.x, 6.x or 7.x
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